Our Stuttering in Online Media Literacy and Excessive Expectations

Reza Sudrajat
3 min readApr 29, 2021
Photo : https://digital-business-lab.com/2020/11/%E2%91%A1-social-media-penetration-in-indonesia-research/

Some time ago our mass and online media were enlivened by reports about Reynhard Sinaga regarding the case of his rape against many men in England.

Then, the unique thing is that many people blame the news carried out by some online news in Indonesia because they have used sensational news headlines instead of the substantial news about Raynhard. Like the Reyhard family in Indonesia, the Raynhard Campus, friends, teachers to other unsubstantiated things, whereas cases like Rayhard could have happened in Indonesia.

If you want to think our online news is annoying, of course this is very, very annoying. Considering this has become a slap in the face of some of our online news stories, which may be far less subjective in quality than the Online media in the UK there.

But in this case, we also cannot fully blame our online media, be it entrepreneurs, editors, journalists or journalists. Because indeed the literacy of some of our society is low plus reading is not a necessity if it is not something interesting, unique, the supporters of the argument or the title can become gossip for small change in the coffee shop.

The low quality of reading in our society makes people who work in the world of journalism turn their heads. How to keep them working and have their coverage read by many people. Remembering the substance or purpose of an article is to be visited or perhaps at least read by others.

So that the words duplicated on the online site can become drops of coffee and rice grains for people who are struggling to live in the new world of modern-day press and journalism.

If I am wondering, do you make reading a necessity that you are chasing the ball the way you visit online news sites live. Or do you only read what you think is interesting, the link is linked on social media?

Be happy if you often read directly from the site, then you will feel that quality is the main thing, but speed is the main thing.

There is nothing wrong if you only read something interesting, unique, the supporters of the argument or the title can be gossip for coffee shop chats, based on the results of publications via social media links. But it needs to be remembered again that we are faced with the Emotional Post Truth era, where things that make us emotional, angry, envious, complain, blame the authority of whoever is in power.

Being something that people are interested in even though they are not liked, like the story of a little Roman in Europe or the story of soap operas in Indonesia.

On the other hand, the Emotional Post Truth era is a form of the modern era marked by Revolution 4.0 where Homo Homini Socius still has empathy for others. But this becomes a problem when Emotional covers the essence of humanity, namely reason, sane attitude and wisdom so that it raises the premise,

“We are angry at people in other worlds who hurt people who have similarities with us, but we are silent to those around us who are hurt by small differences”.

Until the proverb emerged, “We can see small ants, but we cannot see very large elephants.”

Maybe the premise and proverb above seems hyperbole, but when the meaning of life is always closely associated with capitalism. So what we are interested in articulating in reading news online is only based on interesting, unique things, supporting arguments or the title can be gossip for small change in coffee shops. Then capitalism will follow this interest and prove the market that is loved by society.

No need to expect too high to set a standard of happiness over less quality online news footage. Because if reading in print has evolved since the emergence of religion, ideology, national consciousness and technological developments have become the guide and reference for society thanks to the freedom and substance of what was initiated. Then the online news will later follow the flow of its development.

Now the question is, are we (the Indonesian people) able to go through the rapid influx of information, without forgetting our conscience. Or we are caught in a conscience of lies on the basis of markets and capitalism.

